
Welcome to my Revelation.

This is a blog by Jym Davis to showcase my artwork in progress. Over the course of the next year I plan on illustrating (or "illuminating") the entire book of John's New Testament Revelation. Because of the enormity of the project and because I want your feedback, I want to experiment with posting pages that are unfinished or at different stages of completion. I hope that this will create a kind of dialogue and hopefully improve the quality of the "book". At the completion of the Illuminated Book of Revelation, I will create a website with the final project in its entirety. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

I also hope to post personal photos and more general entries.


Jym Davis.

Jym Davis and his hula hoop of Math.


This page is unfinished. This text describes John's vision of the four beasts singing "Holie", the emerald rainbow, the 24 seated elders, and the 7 candles,etc. The material is so dense that I am doing another page after this one to spill over. This page is not finished. Posted by Hello

Revelation page. Posted by Hello

Chapter 3 title page. I hand drew over orignal Celtic letters...this letter is an "A" if you couldn't tell. All the pages are based on the Golden Rectangle ratio (which is also featured on the left of the page). Posted by Hello