
Back from slumber

The blogitty blog is back from summer vacation...I am still working on the Revelation Book (I have 4 pages that are almost ready for posting) but as you can see I am also dividing my time with this "Nocturne" short film. The good news is that Allison and I filmed in Tennessee for one long night and day and we got some great footage. I set up the "sleep lab" in my parent's house and rolled the cameras for over 2 hours of material. The most exhilirating (and exhausting) filming was in the nearby woods. Locals driving by got to see a girl in a night gown running around in 100 degree humidity and a bearded creepy guy chasing her with a toy camera (me). And after all that we had to walk back home because my car battery died because I was using the headlights as a lighting source...now that is low budget filmmaking. Now I am dreading going through the 150 minutes of footage I plan to weed down to 15 minutes for the final short.

She is ready for her close-up, Mr. Demille.
click to enlarge genius.

"Nocturne" film still.
click to enlarge genius.