

News.... A strange little film distributor has picked up a couple of my short experimental films. I don't know much about the organization except that they are San Francisco based and the stuff on the site looks unreal. I'm not on a DVD compilation yet but it might get picked up, who knows?


Also....I received a North Carolina Arts Grant to work on a new short film. It is tentatively entitled "Nocturne" and focuses on a young girl (played by Allison) who finds herself in a sleep clinic being treated for a variety of terror inducing sleeping disorders and out of body experiences. I shot some of the film last summer and I have resumed work in the last month. I am using a variety of "experimental" formats for the film including 8 MM, PixelVision (a Fischer Price toy camera made in the 80's), and Mini-DV O Lux night vision. The experience is partly based on my Dad's experience working in a sleep clinic in Mississippi this year. Above is a still from the footage shot thus far.


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